What does meth smell like reddit
What does meth smell like reddit

what does meth smell like reddit

Regular users of cocaine are at a higher risk of having a damaged or enlarged heart. This can often lead to a stroke, heart attack or cardiac arrest. Your blood vessels constrict and your heart beat faster after taking the drug. This strong stimulant can stress your heart and vascular system. Keith established to bring cutting edge drug training to everyone.Cocaine is a highly powerful and addictive illicit drug that has serious effects on your brain and body.

what does meth smell like reddit

Keith is the Founder and President of Graves & Associates, a company dedicated to providing drug training to law enforcement and private industry. Keith earned a BA in Business Management from Saint Mary's College of California and a MA in Criminal Justice. He is recognized as an international drug expert and has testified as an expert in court proceedings on drug cases, homicide cases and rape prosecutions as well as an expert witness for the U.S. Keith has taught thousands of officers and businesses around the world about drug impairment recognition, drug trends, compliance training and drug investigations. Keith has held other assignments besides narcotics including Training Sergeant, Patrol Sergeant, COPPS Officer, Traffic Officer, and 20 years as a SWAT Team member and Sniper Team Leader. He has developed several drug related courses for the California Narcotics Officers Association, California POST and a number of national and international organizations. Keith teaches both the Drug Recognition Expert course and the Drug Abuse Recognition Course. He has years of experience as a Narcotics Detective and a Narcotics Unit Supervisor and is a Drug Recognition Expert Instructor (IACP #3292). Keith was named as California’s Narcotics Officer of the Year and is a prior winner of MADD’s California Hero Award. Keith is a retired Police Sergeant and worked in the San Francisco Bay Area for 29 years. There are pictures below for illustration. You can test the liquid with a presumptive test and it should test positive if there is methamphetamine in the liquid. I would suggest searching all vape pens when you have probable cause or consent. If you happen to arrest a person for DUI drugs, you now know that they can hide meth in their vape pens. Officers should know this process for obvious reasons. Can you imagine the problems we will have when teens find out that they can have cherry flavored meth out of a vape pipe? The smoke from the meth will taste like the liquid being put in there. So, most users will mix in enough liquid to make it smell like cherries, strawberries or whatever liquid they are using to mask the smell of methamphetamine. Mix in more meth than liquid and it will smell like meth when they smoke it. So, how are meth addicts smoking methamphetamine out of their vaporizers? They are mixing the methamphetamine with the liquid that is placed in the vaporizer. The vapor dissipates quickly after exhaling and usually smells like the liquid that is being vaporized. It is a much lower temperature than burning a cigarette, where the users inhales smoke from the burning cigarette. The atomizer heats the liquid to the boiling point of the liquid and then that liquid starts to turn into a vapor. A sensor that registers when you take a drag and activates the atomizer and LED light.An atomizer, which consists of a heating coil.A cartridge containing nicotine, flavoring and chemicals like glycerin or polyethylene glycol.Most are charged with a USB cord connected to your computer. So how are they doing it? Does it smell like meth when they smoke it? First, let’s look at how a vaporizer works.Īll vape pens basically have the same components. Officers on the street are now encountering suspects that are vaping methamphetamine.

What does meth smell like reddit